Curious about Lake Sherwood’s algae problem?
Lake Sherwood is a reservoir (artificial lake) along Fourteen-Mile creek that is classified as eutrophic, meaning it contains an excessive amount of nutrients. Many local residents, tourists, and anglers use this lake for boating and fishing, but these forms of recreation are becoming increasingly less desirable because of the large amount algae.
Beyond being unsightly, this excess algae threatens the lives of many important aquatic species by depleting
oxygen levels in the water and blocking sunlight.
What is causing the Algae and what can be done?
Excessive phosphorus is one of the reasons for algae
development in Lake Sherwood. Because phosphorus is
essential for all living things, when it is available at
excessively high concentrations (as can happen in
slow-moving water) it can lead to an explosive growth of
Some studies have shown that one pound of phosphorus can support 500 pounds of algae (or more). More
phosphorus = More algae. In an effort to control the phosphorus in Lake Sherwood, the Tri-lakes management district is actively identifying scientifically-accepted tools and strategies to remove excess quantities of this nutrient and to investigate the source of it.
Thus, this summer (June of 2023), Lake Sherwood will
receive its first Alum Treatment.
What is Alum?
Aluminum sulfate, or Alum, as it is better known, is a chemical compound found in our everyday lives, much
like sodium. It is a common household spice, which you may have used to improve the crispness of your pickles or added to your garden’s soil to create better growing conditions for your vegetables.
Alum is also used to treat drinking water at many water treatment facilities.
Beyond being unsightly, this excess alga threatens the lives of many important aquatic species by depleting
oxygen levels in the water and blocking sunlight.
For More Information Visit: Tri-Lakes Management District