Tri-Lakes Nanobubble Update 8/19/2024

Tri-Lakes Nanobubble Update 8/19/2024

We have received approval from the WI DNR for the recommendations from EOR and Moleaer placement of the 30 nanobubble units and the 40’ container.

Due to the lateness of the approval, we will only be able to set 10 units in this fall, hopefully the last week of September or first week of October. We should get at least a month worth of running and monitor before we shut down for the winter. The ten units will be placed in the bays and channels on Lake Sherwood and the other 20 units on Camelot and Arrowhead early spring.

We expect to place the container at the 8th Ave bridge in November and start it up early spring after ice out.


Let me know any other questions you are getting so we can address those.


